Doteasy Hosted Blog :: Your one-click no-hassle blog solution, get it now at

The Doteasy Hosted Blog is your hassle-free solution to your blogging needs. No scripting or database work required. Just a simple one-click activation and you can start blogging!

  • Your blog.
    Your style.
    Customize the appearance of your blog, from the header to body, sidebar and footer. Add your logo, an image, change the text font and color, and more.
  • Email To A Friend. The easiest way to allow your visitors to recommend your blog to their friends. The function lets them send an email with a link to your blog entry, as well as the entry itself.
  • Audio and Video Podcasts. Create your own or share one from your favorite video/audio sharing sites. Don't underestimate the power of broadcasting on your blog.
  • Comments. Create interaction and communication, important ingredients in building a blogosphere.
  • Image and Photoblogging. Whether you are focusing on a photograph, or using images to supplement your content, communicate and captivate with imagery.
  • Maximize the value of your blog. Your blog sidebar is another hot area on your blog. Sidebars make your blog easy to navigate, provide useful data and can increase traffic to your blog. You have full control over which and how sidebar elements are displayed.
  • Share and Exchange links. Share your favorite website or blog with your visitors by adding a link to your blog sidebar. Links play an important role in your search engine page ranking.
  • Spice it up with plugins. Widgets are mini-utility, -application, -feed, -game modules that you can add to your website to provide your visitors with extra information, functionality, and fun. Just like the Doteasy Web Tools, simply copy and paste the HTML code to your blog's sidebar management interface.
  • Add your favorite Doteasy tools. Whether it be Doteasy Web Tools, Email Signin Box, or your Doteasy Affiliate Banner, simply copy and paste the HTML code to your blog via the easy-to-use sidebar management interface.

A blog is a communication and self-expression tool. It is the easiest way to build a professional online presence, and the Doteasy Hosted Blog allows you to add a blog to your website without the hassle of database or scripting requirements. It is free to use and it works on all our web hosting plans, including the $0 Hosting package; and you can easily customize it to match the look of your Doteasy Hosted Forum.

Blogging: Text, Photo, and Video

Entry Management - Settings Configuration

Free for all Doteasy Members!

Create. Write. Publish. It's easy
with the Doteasy Hosted Blog. Doteasy Hosted Blog: Free Sign up now